What Is A Gi?
It is a uniform worn in martial arts. A gi has two parts a jacket and pants. In addition you wear a belt which symbolizes your rank. In Jiu-jitsu the gi is used to grip and control your opponent during training.
You might think "why do I need to train in a gi, it's not like people are wearing a gi on the street?!" There very well could be a few die hard practitioners wearing their gi in public, but most people won't be:) Most people DO wear clothing on the street and you could easily grip someone's jacket or collar of their shirt and choked them out! So don't be turned off by the idea of having to wear a gi.
The gi is a traditional aspect of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). You can learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu moves not wearing a gi which is called No-Gi (without the gi) jiu-jitsu there are no-gi rash guards for men and women. Both wear compression tights or shorts that don't cause restriction. Basically tight slick clothes, to make you a slippery fish! No flowy clothes that will get caught or pulled on. When you train no-gi it is common for academies and competitions to recommend/require that you not have pockets, zippers, strings hanging out as it could be dangerous if a toe or finger gets caught in there or if you scratch your training partner. In no-gi jiu-jitsu, the absence of the gi forces practitioners to focus more on body positioning, speed, and agility. Without the gi grips, practitioners must adapt their techniques to be more reliant on underhooks, overhooks, and wrist control.
Why Train In A Gi?
Wearing a gi while you train definitely slows things down and allows you to grip on and control your partner. A slower pace makes the learning process enjoyable and all the details you learn while training in the gi will carry over to a no-gi setting with a few adjustments. The gi also provides many opportunities to choke and control your partner with. These are more tools you get to put in your tool kit which could be used even if the gi was not present, by using other items that might be near by in a self defense setting.
For my women's self defense workshops I do not require them to train in a gi, because I know that spending money on something you feel you'll never use again would keep them from attending if I was to require it. My students learn a lot without the gi and it is all good stuff that will translate over to training in the gi if they decide to do so. I will say that I teach my class knowing who my students are and what they are there for specifically. It is my opinion that it would be hard for my students or any beginner to start jiu-jitsu in a class listed as no-gi. Usually these classes are fast paced, a lot of focus is on leg entanglements, and it is assumed if you are training no-gi you have some foundation of jiu-jitsu if you attend a class that is not listed as a beginner class. I am not saying you couldn't start in a no-gi class, but if it is not specifically for a beginner you could feel overwhelmed or defeated. There are super coordinated and athletic individuals who could pull it off and have a great experience, but in general this is not the case.
What Color Gi Should I Get?
Traditionally the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gi is white, but you can find the gi in standard colors like blue & black as well. Some brands carry more colors to choose from like pink, army green, and patterns, but keep in mind before you buy a gi that some academies require only white gis in their dojo (training facility) so check their policy beforehand. I would say get a white one by default because you can wear a white one anywhere. It's nice to have if you travel too, because you never know what other places require. You can always get a colored one later.
What Do I Wear With My Gi?
Every Jiu-Jitsu practioner in the Gi will wear a jiu-jitsu belt which represents the time you have invested in the art. Generally speaking you will spend 2 years at each belt rank and for those who enter jiu-jitsu competitions might be promoted earlier than that. When you buy a gi you will might get a free white belt. If not, just know that you are a white belt when you are starting no matter if your gi comes with it or not. So don't be tempted to throw that cute purple belt in your cart!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Belt Ranking System
In addition to the belt, I will note that men and women wear undergarments under the gi. Boxers, spats, tight shorts on the bottom and sports bra & the no-gi rash guard on top. Some academies will require the men to wear the no-gi rash guard under the gi, so just check the policy. You'll discover some places are relaxed and others are strict on their uniform policy. When in doubt just ask someone!
When you purchase a BJJ Gi keep in mind that there are different designs:
Light weight gi for training in hot weather
Pearl weave gi for durability
Competition gi that meet certain regulations
Single weave, double weave, reinforced stitching
Certain Brands make sizes for women in addition to the men's sizing
You want your gi to fit you well, it's uncomfortable to be swimming in a big hot gi! It might take some time to find the perfect gi for your body type, but you have to start somewhere and I have included a few beginners options to get you started. If your gi feels big when you first get it keep in mind that washing a drying could shrink it. You could use the dryer to shrink it to a good fit and then only line dry after that. Read the instructions on how to care for your gi before washing and drying it.
Keep in mind that there are size charts relating to height and weight. Also, other martial arts like Judo, Karate and Taekwondo also wear a gi that is specific to their art form. Make sure you are getting one for (BJJ) Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Good Budget Starter Gi for Women's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Under
Elite Sports (Amazon)
Sanabul (Amazon)
If You Are A Small Women In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, You Could Fit A Kids Gi!
Sanabul Kids (Amazon)
Elite Kids (Amazon)
Other Accessories To Consider:
Be sure to read size charts before you order.
Mouth Guard - This low profile one my go-to and comfortable. Sisu Mouth Guard (Amazon)
This Knee Sleeve for BJJ is something I wear for injury prevention, if you have compromised knees it might be worth consideration: (BJJ Knee Sleeve Buy On Amazon)
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